18 5 / 2014

  1. Because I eat, sleep, breathe product! Though this may sound good at first, but what this translates to is that I am bound to ask a lot many questions for any product decision which I disagree with. Plus you will have to deal with an infinite stream of new ideas. I enjoy throwing in random ideas, thinking it through, and talking about them with like minded individuals.
  2. If (thinking about) the product is not keeping me awake at night, then probably I am not doing something right.
  3. If stuff that shouldn’t matter is keeping me awake at night (office politics, useless meetings, bureaucracy, BS), then probably I am at the wrong place, and I try and make amends.
  4. I have low tolerance to BS, and usually try to stay away from the non productive managerial layer. If you are not adding significant value to the organization, I exponentially lose respect for you.
  5. I don’t always agree with the boss, and when I don’t, I let them know. I have been very fortunate to have worked with some great people, who have taught a lot of varied things to me, and didn’t fire me when I didn’t fall in line ;) The worst thing that you could do to me is tell me - “we are going to do it this way, because I am the boss”, and not try and explain the rationale behind it. We can agree to disagree, but we should talk.
  6. I am driven by passion, and when it starts to feel like a daily chore, then probably it’s time to get out. So it’s your responsibility to keep the energy and motivation levels high, and ensure that the organization isn’t losing focus.
  7. If X days in a row, I am not excited about going to work, and curious about what’s going to happen next, then that’s a danger sign for me.
  8. If you want me to work with a team (I don’t manage a team, as I strongly believe in this guy, who is of the view that if we treat people as an adult outside work, why can’t we treat them the same within organizations, and expect them to use their good judgement. Why do we start treating them as children, as soon as they enter the office building.), I would expect a free hand, and don’t expect me to micro-manage them. I operate solely on trust, and it has worked for me in the past (though people don’t like to believe this despite the results, as it is opposed to conventional wisdom), and I don’t plan to change that anytime soon.
  9. If you are concerned about any metric other than work and value I add, then you could be a sad being. If me turning up in the office in the afternoon is going to bother you, then that’s a problem I cannot do anything about.
  10. I have a strong distaste for processes and good for nothing meetings. If something is important enough, and needs to happen, it shouldn’t wait for a meeting, and if it can wait for a meeting, then probably it is not important enough. Everyone around you is accessible, and doesn’t need a calendar invite to talk. That’s so non human in nature. We are social beings. If processes become more important than people, then it’s a matter of concern. They were devised to assist, and not to hinder.
  11. I believe in this: “Why work doesn’t happen at work”
  12. I find this very interesting, and believe in most of this e-book: Getting Real
  13. Though I wouldn’t work purely for money, but I wouldn’t compromise on salary either, primarily because I am going to do another start-up some day (not anytime soon), and I hope to have enough cash to pump in.
  14. As a matter of discipline, I don’t work on weekends, unless the servers are down, in which case you wouldn’t need to ask, as I would have already been alerted. In fact, the truth is that I don’t like being asked to work on weekends, though I may, if I have nothing better to do. If I feel like writing code at 4 AM in the morning, I do, but that’s a matter of choice. Life is short, and I try to make the most of it.
  15. At times, I do indulge in philosophy and idealism.
  16. Finally, you have hired me to work with you, you haven’t bought me. If our goals don’t align, and we don’t share the passion, then probably it’s best to go different ways, without any hard feelings. I abhor the ruler and the ruled mentality. Once that feeling creeps into you, that’s the worst thing that can happen to your organization, which you have build painstakingly.

Though I may sound arrogant post reading all the above points/thoughts, but I usually try to stay grounded and be humble (at least that’s my perception, which can be incorrect). You may want to check with people I have worked in the past to get some idea.

Even if after reading all of the above, you think that you can make use of me, then you can find details about me here:


Feel free to shoot an email to talk about your start-up, or random ideas, or let me know if I can help you in any way (no strings attached - though I might not be able to spare too much time). I love start-ups!

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