25 10 / 2011
The computer world as we know it today: How it all began - innovation, competition and cheating as well…
A must watch for anyone who is interested in technology, or just business, or even if you are not. A rare documentary where a few boys challenged the likes of IBM (which was way bigger then), and pulled it off with sheer grit and a desire to excel. The stories you always wanted to know…but beware, it isn’t a fairy tale!
Grab your popcorn and have a seat. This is a 3 episode (which has been cut down to 6 parts per episode on youtube) film and first premiered on PBS in June 1996. Around 3 hour of computer history that you must know.
You may have always thought that windows was copied from mac, but even mac wasn’t original and was an offspring of a research project at Xerox - a company which had built something so great, that it didn’t have the slightest of idea as to how great it was, and just threw it away. Even DOS wasn’t original, and was just an opportunity presented to Bill Gates, which he grabbed with both hands. For all this, and much more you shouldn’t be reading this anymore, and watching the video instead…!!!
And don’t forget to thank me for showing you this… ;)
20 10 / 2011
How to add scope/permissions to a facebook app when using Koala gem
I keep forgetting it again and again and spend too much time searching for it on google with no success, and finally look at the source code. Then I think that why didn’t I look at the source code in the first place, and why do I most of the times rely on google to solve the problem……what if there was no GOOGLE….. ;)
So here it is…a step in that direction (self help, and maybe help for others whose first instinct is to search on google), for the record:
Koala::Facebook::OAuth.new(app_id, app_secret, callback_url).url_for_oauth_code(:permissions => “email,publish_stream”)
You need to pass the scope as an argument to url_for_oauth_code method.
And for anyone who wants to realize how easy it was if my first instict was to look at the source, here goes the source code: